Product Categories
Round Cup Sequins →
We stock 5mm & 8mm Round Cup Sequins. Individual colour packs of Gold, Silver, Transparent, White Iris, Red, Green, Blue, Black, Pink, Purple, Bronze and Multi Coloured.
Square Cup Sequins →
We stock 7mm Square Cup Sequins in Silver, Gold, Black, Transparent , White Iris and Multi Coloured Packs. Used to embellish embroidery and craft projects.
Flat Sequins & Bells →
We stock a selection of Flat Round Sequins, Snowflakes and Stars as well as Gold, Silver & Multi coloured Bells to embellish your embroidery and craft projects.
Sequins & Bells
flat sequins - white snowflakes
Flat Sequins - White Snowflakes
White Flat Snowflake Sequins. Approx. 18 per pa
Christmas Bells 6mm - Silver
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